Dear Reader,
For how long I’ve been writing, and all the different characters I live
and breathe, I can readily admit something glorious has happened that hasn’t in
a long time.
With all the different hats I wear: graphic and cover artist, co-owner
of two businesses, an office manager for a third party real estate firm, a
house hunter, a wife—something always distracts me from writing. Something
always pulls my attention, screaming I MUST BE DONE NOW!
And, unfortunately, the typical course is, my vigor gives pause when I
have a chance to return to a WIP, leaving so many half started ideas in my
wake. Yet fate declared the parting of the Red Sea for this book, allowing very
little to come between me, and Elemental Earth, except my own fears and
insecurities about a genre I’ve barely tapped the surface on.
On April 18th, I began an epic adventure into my imagination.
As usual, I had no idea where this path would take me. Then Trinity Liathain
and Adrian O Fearain fall onto my plate, half formed, barely there characters
who pleaded to be noticed, to be given life, whispering to me about what their
world meant to them.
The addiction and love/hate relationship began.
The first draft went by in a blur, as I write by page, regardless of any
effort I put into plotting. My mind just doesn’t work that way. New ideas must
be explored that change the fate of all those characters that live in my head,
shaped by an insane, over-caffeinated muse who has an addiction to drama, the torture
of her author and chocolate in equal measure.
Within the past ten days, Trinity and Adrian have risen from the
metaphorical phoenix ashes, in draft two, fully functioning, dynamic, complex
characters with wants, needs, and desires I never imagined. The entire book
must be rewritten to encompass all of these changes that rearrange the series
that is a mix of Lord of the Rings, and yes, I will say this damn it—Twilight
or House of Night, with hints of horror and science fiction I’ve grown so very
fond of. And that one statement doesn’t come close to the adventure unfolding
before me, a long, twisting path of loss, love, and finding oneself in the most
unexpected of places.
But their sometimes fatalistic relationship holds value to them, and me.
The back-story I didn’t understand until now rears its head, full force,
supporting their previously curious choices later in the book. They work on
each other’s strengths and weaknesses, alongside a supporting cast who surprise
me every time they enter a scene.
More To Come…
Kinsey Knight
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